What to Expect
Where do I go when I arrive?
Please enter though the 10th street parking lot doors. Once you enter, a greeter will happily direct you to a Sunday School class or sanctuary.
How long is the service?
Our service lasts around an hour and 15 minutes. We sing a few songs of worship together and a message is given for the Word of God.
What should I wear?
Where what makes you comfortable! We don't have a dress code. You will see that a wide range of dress styles make up our congregation, from jeans to suits and everything in between. Come to worship as you are.
What if I have a child?
Children are always welcome :) During the Sunday School hour there are classes available for everyone. One of our greeters would be happy to show you to a class fit for you!
During the worship service, children 6 and under will remain in their child care classes. Ages 1st grade -6th grade will take part in the first half of our service and then be dismissed to Children's Church for the second half of our service. The first Sunday of every month children 1st grade and up are a part of the entire service, there is not Children's Church that day. Children's Church takes place in our Children's Ministry hallway and the kids will have a time of story, song and activity. An usher or greeter would be glad to point you in the right direction to drop off or pick up your child!
Service Times
Breakfast for Children & youth @ 8:45 a.m.
Sunday School (classes for all ages): 9:15 a.m.
See a list of our current Adult Sunday School Classes here
Morning Worship: 10:30 a.m.
Sunday Evening: 6:00 p.m.
- Church Family Worship- First Sunday evening of every month. A time for all generations to worship together with a time of snacks and fellowship after.
- Other Sunday Nights- Include a variety of formats including Bible study & Prayer, Missionary visits, special seminar topics. Our church calendar indicates the plans for each Sunday night.
Mid-Week Ministries: Wednesdays
School year- 6:30-8:30 p.m.- Children and youth programs for ages 3 and up
Year round- 7:00 p.m.- Adult Re-charge
If you plan to visit
Please contact us through email and we can have someone planning to meet you when you arrive and direct you to Sunday School or the Worship Service.
Email: Gosschurch@gmail.com as soon as you know you plan to attend. This email is monitored regularly.