We're glad you're interested in growing in Christ! Here are some practical ways that you can grow as a believer.
Making disciples is an essential command for all Christians. First and foremost, this is the way to grow as a Christian. Our discipleship page will give you lots of information for how to grow if you're a new Christian. As you mature in your faith, reaching out to others and making disciples is something that never ends and fulfills us as we grow closer to Jesus.
In the same breath Jesus commands us to make disciples (Matthew 28:18-20), he mentions baptism as part of that process. Simply put, we believe baptism is an outward sign of inward change. Baptism doesn't make you a Christian, but it is one of the first steps believers should take.
We baptize by either sprinkling or immersion. Please see Pastor Kevin or call the church office if you have any further questions or would like to be baptized.
Church membership is an important step. It shows public commitment to the leadership and current members of a local church. If not at Goss Memorial, we encourage believers to commit themselves to a church fellowship for commitment and accountability. Our leaders are committed to supporting the spiritual growth of those members entrusted to our care (Hebrews 13:17).
Service is important for growth. If all you did was learn about how to be a follower of Jesus and never got a chance to live it out, you'd be like a water-logged sponge. Serving God is the way to keep wringing out that sponge of spiritual growth!
As stated earlier, we believe making disciples is the primary way to serve God. As we live out our lives in the structure of a local church, some specific places to serve may emerge as we seek to make disciples together. See our "I want to serve" page for types of service opportunities that can help connect you to others or fill basic needs of the church!