When You Don't Understand the World, Stay Close to Jesus
April 25, 2014
John 15 was truly a revolutionary study for me. For me? Yes, for me. You might think: "Well, you're the pastor, you should know everything." Please understand that as I study and prepare to share God's Word, I am transformed and challenged by ways God is working in m... Keep Reading
Five Reasons I Run
April 11, 2014
Today will be a personal blog day. Running is something I do in my spare time (or time when I should be sleeping), and I usually compete in a handful of races in any given year. I could list lots of reasons for why I do this, but let me settle on five. 1. I like to ... Keep Reading
Preaching Ecclesiastes
April 4, 2014
How do you preach a book of the Bible that proclaims "Everything is meaningless!" throughout? Well, it's a challenge but I wanted to get a quick post up about the challenges and joys of preaching through this book. 1. It's the Bible. That's right. It's God's Word. A... Keep Reading
How Do You Grow Spiritually?
March 21, 2014
John 15 has been the focus of our Sunday night studies since the middle of last fall. This past Sunday we wrapped up the series with a night of review. For today's post I want to look at a few highlights and answer the question in the title of this post: How do... Keep Reading
Two Dangers of Coveting
March 14, 2014
... Keep Reading
What If Grace Isn't Enough?
March 7, 2014
Some quick thoughts to challenge us with the important question in the title: What if grace isn't enough?... Keep Reading
Striving To Be Healthy: Good or god?
February 28, 2014
This Friday, a quick question: is it good to strive to live a healthy lifestyle? Let me give a bit of personal background. As many of you know, I am a fairly avid runner. I do it for the challenge and the discipline that comes with it. I try to stay active and ... Keep Reading
Lessons from the Olympics
February 21, 2014
The Olympic games fascinate the human mind. Every two years we see the culmination of years of training, the thrill and glory of victory, and of course the agony of defeat. Let me throw out a couple things that should help us think as we are processing these Olympic g... Keep Reading
Ken Ham vs. Bill Nye: A Few Thoughts
February 14, 2014 1 Comments
On Tuesday February 4th the Creation Museum in Northern Kentucky hosted a debate between Ken Ham and Bill Nye. Both men and well known and respected in their various fields. If you haven't watched the debate, you can watch it here: Keep Reading